Blix. Frank Norris
It had been easy to promise Blix that he would no longer gamble at his club with the other men of his acquaintance; but it was ""death and the devil,"" as he told himself, to abide by that promise. More than once in the fortnight following upon his
Tales And Sketches. John Greenleaf Whittier
""I am not desirous, even were it practicable,"" he said, ""to defend the use of opium, or rather the abuse of it. I can only say, that the substitutes you propose are not suited to my condition. The world has now no enticements for me; society no
The Advance Of English Poetry In The Twentieth Century. William Lyon Phelps
Robert Browning, whose normality in appearance and conversation pleased sensible folk and shocked idolaters, summed up in two stanzas the difference between the popular conception of a poet and the real truth. One might almost take the first stanza
The Aspirations Of Jean Servien. Anatole France
Shut up in his room, he was filled with a great pity for himself and longed to recover the peace of mind, the calm of the senses, the happy life that had vanished along with the leaf he had abandoned that evening to the drifting current. He opened
The Mammon of Unrighteousness. Hjalmar Hjorth Boyeson
1891. The novel begins: I mean to be true to myself-true to my convictions, ejaculated Alexander Larkin, impetuously, and the echo flung back the words with the same impetuosity from the rock opposite. I mean to succeed, said Horace, his brother,
Browning as a Philosophical and Religious Teacher. Henry Jones
1899. The purpose of this book is to deal with Browning, not simply as a poet, but rather as the exponent of a system of ideas on moral and religious subjects, which may fairly be called a philosophy. Mr. Jones is conscious that it is a wrong to a
Fairy Tales of the Slav Peasants and Herdsmen. Alex Chodsko
1896. Very few of the twenty fairy tales included in this volume have been presented before in an English dress; this will doubtless enhance their value in the eyes of the young folk, for whom they are principally intended. It is hoped that older
A History of the United States. John Fiske
1894. With topical analysis, suggestive questions and directions by Frank Alpine Hill. A text for schools by the American philosopher and historian who achieved popularity as a lecturer on history, both early in his career and in his later life.
The Punishment And Prevention Of Crime. Edmund F. Du Cane
1885. Contents: Criminals and Punishments; Punishments in the Middle Ages, Capital Executions; Gaols in Former Times; Modern Prisons; Transportation; Penal Servitude; Supervision, Discharged Prisoners’ and Societies; The Preventive System,
The Turquoise Cup And The Desert. Arthur Cosslett Smith
""My lord,"" said the cardinal, ""if the cup were mine, I have a fancy that I would give it to you, with my blessing and my best wishes; but when you ask me to sell it to you, it is as though you asked your queen to sell you the Kohinoor. She dare
Impressions And Comments. Havelock Ellis
The musically voiced bells sound the hour from the great church, rich in beauty and tradition, and we walk across the market-place, this side the castle hill--the hill which held for six hundred years the precious jewelled crucifix, with the
Spiritism and the Cult of the Dead in Antiquity. Lewis Bayles Paton
1921. Contents: spiritism in primitive religion; spiritism in China; spiritism among the Indo-Europeans; Cult of the Dead among the Indo-Europeans; spiritism in Egypt; spiritism among the early Semites; spiritism in Babylonia and Assyria; earliest
Indian Speeches 1907-1909. Viscount John Morley
The Government are entirely zealous and in earnest, acting in thorough good faith, in the desire to press forward these proposals. I may tell you that our Bill is now quite ready. I shall introduce it at the first minute after the Address is over,