The Science of Thought. F. Max Muller
1909. Simplicity of Language; Identity of Language and Thought; Simplicity of Thought. Книга представляет собой репринтное издание 1909 года (издательство "Boston, De Wolfe, Fiske & co").
In Pastures New. George Ade
1906. After graduating from the newly built Purdue University, Ade wrote for some newspapers in Lafayette before moving to Chicago where he found work at The Morning News, which later became the Chicago Record. He began publishing his own work in
Natural Philosophy. A. E. Thierens
An introduction to astrology and occultism in general along the lines of modern scientific thought. Contents: electron theory; sphere; spirit and matter; life and substance; existence; motion; mutation; primordial atom; gradations or planes of
My Life and Some Letters. Mrs. Patrick Campbell
1922. With illustrations. The memoirs of Mrs. Patrick Campbell (Beatrice Stella Cornwallis-West). From Chapter One: My father and my mother, Maria Luigia Giovanna Romanini, fell helplessly in love at their first meeting: my mother could not speak a
The Superstition of Divorce. G. K. Chesterton
1920. This is a pamphlet and not a book; and the writer of a pamphlet not only deals with passing things, but generally with things which he hopes will pass. It is designed merely to note certain fugitive proposals of the moment, and compare them
The Empress Josephine. Louise Muhlbach
While the jailer read his list, suspense and excitement were visible on all faces, but no one would have so deeply lowered himself as to betray fear or anguish when his name fell from the lips of the jailer. The smile remained on the lip, friends
The Fortunes Of Oliver Horn. F. Hopkinson Smith
If you were his friend, and most men who knew him were, he would have slipped his arm through your own, and after a brief moment you would have found yourself poring over a detailed plan, his arm still in yours, while he showed you the outline of
The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science. Judge Thomas Troward
1909. The purpose of this book is to indicate the Natural Principles governing the relation between mental action and material conditions, and thus to afford the student an intelligible starting point for the practical study of the subject.
The Metaphysics of Nature. Carveth Read
1905. A philosophic text by Read, professor of philosophy of mind and logic at University College, London. Contents: Belief and Knowledge; Reality and Truth; Book I. Canonic: The Test of Truth: Historical; The Test of Truth: Analytic; Skepticism;
An Antarctic Mystery. Jules Verne
""I think there is some need for doubt,"" I answered ""the singular character of the hero of those adventures being taken into consideration--at least concerning the phenomena of the island of Tsalal. And we know that Arthur Pym was mistaken in
Resist Not Evil. Clarence Darrow
Contents. 1. The Nature Of The State. 2. Armies And Navies. 3. The Purpose Of Armies. 4. Civil Government. 5. Theory Of Crime And Punishment. 6. Remedial Effects Of Punishment. 7. Cause Of Crime. 8. The Proper Treatment Of Crime. 9. Impossibility
Indian Music. Shahinda
Книга представляет собой репринтное издание 1903 года (издательство "London, W. Marchant & co").
Music. Mary Weeks Burnett
Principles of Occult Healing: A Working Hypothesis Which Includes All Cures, by Mary Weeks Burnett. Книга представляет собой репринтное издание 1891 года (издательство "London: Augener").
A Basket Of Chips. John Brougham
Книга представляет собой репринтное издание 1891 года (издательство "New York, Bunce & brother").