Little Bridge 2. Rogers Little Bridge является одной из самых популярный образовательных программ для изучения английского языка детьми 6-12 лет. Программа содержит
Phonics. Touch & Trace. Holt Lisa, Wendon Lyn Your child could be a tactile learner - needing to touch things to learn. Your child could be a visual learner - needing memorable, clever images to look at. Your child could be and auditory learner - needing engaging stories and rhymes to listen
Undine. Friedrich de la Motte Fouque UNDINE is the name of the water maiden whose story you will read as you turn the leaves of this little book.
Undine is beautiful as the dawn stealing across the waters, beautiful as the spray of the crystal waves.
Yet when she comes to earth she
Aspekte junior B2. Lehrerhandbuch. Koithan Ute Das Lehrerhandbuch zu Aspekte junior B2:
- ist ein kompakter Leitfaden für das Unterrichten mit Aspekte junior.
- macht Vorschläge für Erweiterungen und Varianten im Unterricht und gibt Tipps zur Binnendifferenzierung.
- enthält Kopiervorlagen
Art of the Soviet Union. Portraits The books will showcase the best paintings and sculptures of the period and present rarely seen gems from provincial museums and museums of former Soviet republics. Each book opens with an expert article on the subject. Images are organised in
The Still-Lifes The books will showcase the best paintings and sculptures of the period and present rarely seen gems from provincial museums and museums of former Soviet republics. Each book opens with an expert article on the subject. Images are organised in
The Incredible Dinosaur. Activity Book. Antram David Children can explore the prehistoric world, learning about the many different species of dinosaurs, whilst completing all manner of entertaining activities, from join the dots puzzles to
The Lives of 50 Fashion Legends Filled with pages of time-line and fascinating graphic symbols that put the fashion designers on the fashion world stage. Fun volume shares appraisals of 50 most important fashion designers with their iconic status. This book devotes on its own as
France-Trotteurs. Methode de francais. Niveau 1. Danilo H.N. , Jacob B. Le livre contient des activités orales, des exercices de phonétique, des chansons, des poèmes, des pages de civilisation sur la France et le monde francophone, ainsi qu’un index lexical français-anglais-espagnol-arabe.
Из серии:
Splash. Hissey Jane Old Bear and his friends take a trip to the seaside! While the other toys play in the sand, Little Bear goes to sea in a bucket and makes a brand new friend - Splash the baby seal. Full of stunning illustrations that burst off the pages in a riot of
The Cold Heart and Nose, the Dwarf. Two German Tales. Hauff Wilhelm Wilhelm Hauff was a writer of extraordinary fancy and invention, but working for a more obvious purpose, and producing narratives more related in character to popular legends. He was born in 1802, at Stuttgard, and in early life showed a great
Farbe: Ideen fur die Kita-Praxis. Weininger Maria Schlafen Gänseblümchen nachts?
Zu jedem Anlass, jedem Thema, das Kindern wichtig ist, lassen sich Projekte starten: Sie stellen das selbsttätige Handeln der Kinder in den Mittelpunkt und ermöglichen ganzheitliches und nachhaltiges
Prince and princess go to school Little Prince and Princess discover the world as all toddlers do. Shy and excitied, they explore school for the first time. With the help of the fun and recognisable sounds on each page, toddlers will easily relate to these royal stories.
The Quest of the Missing Map. Keene Carolyn Prompted by the concerns of a young child, Nancy investigates a small studio on the Chatham estate. She discovers that there is a connection between the mysterious occurrences at Ship Cottage and her search for a treasure island. With only half of a
First Words and Pictures. Around Town. Channing Margot This is an ideal first book for very young readers, containing more than 100 words. It is filled with delightful art work of the places found around an ordinary town, as well as their names. It is designed to help infants embark on a lifetime of
Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind. Teil eins und zwei Die offizielle Bühnenfassung der Originalinszenierung von Harry Potter und das verwunschene Kind.
Es war nie leicht, Harry Potter zu sein – und jetzt, als Angestellter des Zaubereiministeriums, Ehemann und Vater von drei Schulkindern, ist sein
100 Ideas that Changed Design. Fiell Peter, Fiell Charlotte This inspiring book chronicles the most influential ideas that have shaped industrial and product design. Written by two experts on modern design, it provides both a concise history of the subject, and offers a fascinating resource to dip into for
Winteraustern. Luc Verlain 3. Oetker Alexander Winterzeit am Bassin d Arcachon, das bedeutet für die Austernzüchter Hochkonjunktur. Allerdings auch für die Austerndiebe, denen man mit immer drastischeren Methoden begegnet. Und so mündet das, was eine besinnliche Bootsfahrt werden sollte,
La danza de los Tulipanes. Martin Ibon La periodista más popular de Gernika es arrollada por el tren que cubre la línea de Urdaibai. La víctima ha sido fijada a la vía con un delicado tulipán entre sus manos. La flor, de un intenso y brillante rojo, es tan hermosa como difícil de
13th Floor Elevators. A Visual History. Drummond Paul Born out of a union of club bands on the burgeoning Austin bohemian scene and a pronounced taste for hallucinogens, the 13th Floor Elevators were formed in late 1965 when lyricist Tommy Hall asked a local singer named Roky Erickson to join up with
Retour. Luc Verlain 1. Oetker Alexander Commissaire Luc Verlains erster Fall im Aquitaine! Luc Verlain liebt gutes Essen, Frauen und sein sorgenloses Leben in Paris. Doch als sein Vater schwer erkrankt, lässt Luc sich versetzen. Ausgerechnet nach Bordeaux in die Region Aquitaine, von wo
France-Trotteurs. Methode de francais. Niveau 3. Danilo H.N., Jacob B. Le livre contient des activités orales, des exercices de phonétique, des chansons, des poèmes, des pages de civilisation sur la France et le monde francophone, ainsi qu’un index lexical français-anglais-espagnol-arabe.
Из серии:
Dinosaurs. Channing Margot This innovative activity book features simple, rhythmic text about dinosaurs that children and parents can read together, coupled with five press-out models of dinosaurs that children can play with. The combination of reading and model-making allows
Der Uberlaufer. Lenz Siegfried Ein Roman von Siegfried Lenz erscheint mit 65 Jahren Verspätung. 1951 geschrieben, ist "Der Überläufer" Siegfried Lenz zweiter Roman. Obgleich vollendet und vom Autor mehrfach überarbeitet, blieb er bis 2016 unveröffentlicht.
Es ist der letzte
Tools for the Design Revolution. Nagele Christina "Tools for the Design Revolution" critically examines the history and influences on current designs trends, giving practical guidelines and tools for creating sustainable design processes into the future. The "tools" are strategies for sustainable
The Art Of Quilted Flowers What is quilling paper? Quilling paper is usually thought as colored paper, and indeed it is. However, not all types of paper are suitable for quilling. The strips of colored paper for the need of quilling are what we called quilling