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Indian Speeches 1907-1909. Viscount John Morley
Indian Speeches 1907-1909. Viscount John Morley

Indian Speeches 1907-1909. Viscount John Morley

824 руб

The Government are entirely zealous and in earnest, acting in thorough good faith, in the desire to press forward these proposals. I may tell you that our Bill is now quite ready. I shall introduce it at the first minute after the Address is over, and, when it reaches the Commons, it will be pressed forward with all the force and resolution that Parliamentary conditions permit. These are not mere pious opinions or academic reforms; they are proposals that are to take Parliamentary shape at the earliest possible moment; and after taking Parliamentary shape, no time will, I know, be lost in India in bringing them as rapidly as possible into practical operation. Книга представляет собой репринтное издание 1909 года (издательство "London: Macmillan & Co., Ltd.").

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