Audio CD. Reading Explorer 4. Class Audio CD Reading Explorer is a six-level content-based reading series featuring video from national Geographic Digital Media to help develop reading and vocabulary skills for all learners. Each unit of Reading Explorer contains two reading passages and an
Audio CD. Fly High. Level 3. Class CDs Fly High 3 - третий уровень курса английского языка для детей начальный классов. На данном уровне дети знакомятся с языком выполняя
CD-ROM (MP3). Чудеса Диск к одноименной книге.
Аудиокнига сказок, похожих на волшебные сны. Оригинальные английские тексты снабжены методически
CD-ROM (MP3). Немецкий для всех. Практический курс Аудиокурс является приложением к учебнику "Немецкий для всех. Практический курс / Deutsch fur Alt und Jung". Автор книги Е.В. Юдина, составитель ряда
Audio CD. Tamburin 3 (количество CD дисков: 2) 2 CD-Audios del Libro del alumno que corresponde al nivel europeo A1 perteneciente a la serie Tamburin, curso de alemán en los primeros niveles de la etapa de Primaria.
Из серии:
Audio CD. Grammar & Vocabulary Level 4 Smart Grammar and Vocabulary is a Handbook for the study of English grammar and vocabulary, is designed for children of primary school age. Has 6 levels, from Beginner to Pre-Intermediate. Smart (grammar and vocabulary) not only offers the
Audio CD. Get Smart 6 Class CDs Get Smart British Edition - инновационный шестиуровневый курс английского языка для учащихся начальной школы, в основе которого лежит модульный
CD-ROM (MP3). The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl In China, people refer to the 7th day of the 7th lunar month as the “Qixi Festival”. On this day, lovers and couples will meet each other to pray for blessings and happiness. The origin of the Qixi Festival is associated with a touching folk
Audio CD. Close-Up B1+ (количество CD дисков: 2) Interesting, topical and up-to-date, Close-Up is a new three-level B1 / B1+ / B2 course which makes English come alive through spectacular National Geographic photography and facts carefully selected to appeal to the inquisitive minds of young
Audio CD. Cambridge BEC Higher 2 Four complete Practice Tests from UCLES plus answer key, audio transcripts and introduction to the exam. Providing the most authentic exam preparation available, these past papers allow candidates to familiarise themselves with the content and
Audio CD. Young Stars 4 Young Stars is a brand new primary course in British English. It follows the modular approach and the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference.
Из серии: Young
Audio CD. Bludadler (количество CD дисков: 6) Ein Blutiges Ritual aus der Zeit der Wikinger ... Ein Serienmörder, der Hamburg unsicher macht ... Ein Roman, der den Hörer packt und nicht mehr loslässt ... "Sie haben den Akt gesehen, dessen ich fähig bin: meinen heiligen Akt. Nun ist es meine
Audio CD. Cambridge IELTS 4 (количество CD дисков: 2) Cambridge IELTS 4 provides students with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themselves with IELTS and to practise examination techniques using authentic test material from Cambridge ESOL. This collection contains four complete tests for
Audio CD. Учимся общаться на китайском языке Аудиоприложение к одноименной книге в формате mp3.
Пособие акцентировано на развитие способности к культурной коммуникации, тренировку
Audio CD. Современный китайский язык для начинающих (количество CD дисков: 2) Contemporary Chinese for Beginners is a key project published by Sinolingua and fully endorsed and sponsored by Han-ban/Confucius Institute Headquarters. This series has been published in 43 language versions. The 43 language versions have all been
Audio CD. Way Ahead New 2 Story Way Ahead получил высокую оценку Федерального Экспертного Совета МО РФ и допущен к использованию в школах (классах) с углубленным изучением
Audio CD. Energy English for the Gas and Electricity Industries Ideal for self-study or for in-company one-to-one or group teaching, Energy English is an essential resource for improving communication in English within the gas and electricity industries.
Из серии: Energy English for the
Audio CD. Just Vocabulary. Elementary Level "The Just Skills" series provides a flexible set of teaching materials for use individually or in any combination to form an integrated course. "The Just Skills" series, available at four levels, comprises Grammar, Vocabulary, Listening & Speaking,
Audio CD. Pioneer Beginners Class CDs "Pioneer" - is an innovative course for young adults which takes learners from Beginners to Advanced level.
The course follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and focuses on the systematic development of key
Audio CD. Grammatik Aktiv (B2-C1) Die Übungsgrammatiken richten sich an Lernende, die die deutsche Grammatik von Niveau A1 bis C1 üben und wiederholen möchten. Sie eignen sich für den Einsatz im Unterricht oder zum Selbstlernen.
Das Wichtigste auf einen Blick:
- Systematischer
Audio CD. Young Stars 3 This six-level Primary course allows learners to acquire the English language naturally. It gives them the chance to learn vocabulary in context, practice necessary skills, comprehend, explore curriculum topics but most importantly learn! Give your