Audio CD. Brandauer liest Mozart (количество CD дисков: 2) War Ihnen Klaus Maria Brandauer bislang nur als Schauspieler ein Begriff? Dann freuen Sie sich jetzt auf einen Genuss der besonderen Art: das Hörbuch "Brandauer liest Mozart": Klaus Maria Brandauer verbeugt
sich vor dem großen Genius Wolfgang
Audio CD. English World 5 (количество CD дисков: 3) English World - new, beautifully illustrated десятиуровневый a course of modern English language, written by well-known Russian teachers and students of the authors for the Way Ahead.
English World – новый, прекрасно
Audio CD. New Plus. Beginners New Plus is a unique series for skills development which consists of ten books and takes learners smoothly from Beginner to Proficiency (C2) level. It is based on a multi-dimensional syllabus and enables students to enhance their listening,
Audio CD. Total Business 2 A three-level business English course for pre-work students and business people wishing to improve their English and their employment prospects. It is also suitable for in-company training. ·Modern, business-related topics to engage students and
Audio CD. Best Practice: Elementary (количество CD дисков: 2) Best Practice is a fourlevel business English course designed for both prework and in-work students. It uses realistic, international contexts to train learners in the English needed for both the professional and personal sides of modern business
Audio CD. Link Elementary. Class Audio CD Аудиодиск для занятий в классе является составным компонентом курса, содержит аудиоматериалы к учебнику и предназначен для развития
Audio CD. Time Zones 1 Time Zones is a motivating four-skills series for teenagers, with a strong international focus. It combines a communicative approach to learning English with stunning National Geographic images, video, and content. The series features educational
CD-ROM (MP3). Избранная проза Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов (1814–1841) — гениальный русский поэт, прозаик и драматург, классик отечественной и мировой литературы.
Audio CD. Tamburin 1 (количество CD дисков: 2) 2 CD-Audios del Libro del alumno que corresponde al nivel europeo A1 perteneciente a la serie Tamburin, curso de alemán en los primeros niveles de la etapa de Primaria.
Из серии:
Audio CD. English for Nursing 1 The Pearson Longman Vocational English series is designed to meet the English language needs of learners in a range of vocational specialisations. Designed for both pre-work and in-work learners these titles combine a strong grammar syllabus with
Audio CD. Speakout. Elementary (количество CD дисков: 2) Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skills areas using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse needs of learners in a variety of teaching
CD-ROM (MP3). До последнего звонка В Лондоне происходит череда леденящих кровь жестоких убийств. Расследование этих ужасающих преступлений поручено старшему инспектору
Audio CD. Total Business 1. Pre-intermediate. Class Audio CD A three-level business English course for pre-work students and business people wishing to improve their English and their employment prospects. It is also suitable for in-company training. Modern, business-related topics to engage students and
Audio CD. Panorama: Zum Kursbuch B1 Der Name ist Programm: Panorama gibt inhaltlich wie medial spannende Einblicke in die deutsche Sprache und die Kultur der deutschsprachigen Länder (D-A-CH).
Eine neue Dimension des Deutschlernens.
Panorama nutzt die Vorteile digitaler Medien und
CD-ROM (MP3). Трезориум Неспешно перелистывая старый семейный альбом, мы продолжаем рассматривать снимки, хранящиеся в нем. С пожелтевших от времени
Audio CD. Dabei! A2.1. Medienpaket (+ DVD) Das Medienpaket umfasst 2 Audio-CDs zum Kursbuch und eine Audio-CD zum Arbeitsbuch sowie eine DVD mit Filmen zum Kursbuch.
Из серии:
Audio CD. New FCE Gold. Exam Maximiser (количество CD дисков: 2) The Gold series builds students` confidence through carefully graded exam training and thorough language development. This new edition features 100% new content yet retains the winning formula that has made it so popular with students, whether they
Audio CD. Get Smart Plus 1. Class Audio CD Get Smart Plus is an exciting six-level primary course in British English. It is carefully designed to guide students through each level, from Beginner to Pre-Intermediate, while also meeting the requirements of the Common European Framework of
CD-ROM (MP3). Светлая личность Почти одновременно с культовым романом "Двенадцать стульев", в 1928 году, Илья Ильф и Евгений Петров написали фантастическую повесть
Our World 4-6. British English. Assessment Book (+ Audio CD). Cory Kate Our World is a six-level primary series in British English that uses fun and fascinating National Geographic content, with stunning images and video, to give young learners the essential English language, skills, and knowledge they need to
Audio CD. Happy Trails 2: Class CDs (количество CD дисков: 2) Happy Trails is a brand-new, two-level primary course which contains National Geographic photography and content enabling students to learn about our world while learning English. The book follows the adventures of Ty a panda, Leo a leopard and Mia
Audio CD. Young Stars 6 This six-level Primary course allows learners to acquire the English language naturally. It gives them the chance to learn vocabulary in context, practice necessary skills, comprehend, explore curriculum topics but most importantly learn! Give your
Audio CD. Get Smart Plus 2. Class Audio CD Get Smart Plus is an exciting six-level primary course in British English. It is carefully designed to guide students through each level, from Beginner to Pre-Intermediate, while also meeting the requirements of the Common European Framework of
Audio CD. Property (количество CD дисков: 3) Beautifully written, Property is an intricately told tale of both indivdual stories and of a country in a time of change, where ownership is at once everything and nothing, and where belonging, by contrast, is all. `...told in the first person by
Audio CD. Classic Nursery Rhymes Collection Ladybird Classic Nursery Rhymes Collection is a beautiful treasury of songs that every young child should own. It contains over 100 rhymes, each one beautifully sung. A gorgeous complete collection, this is ideal for parents to pass on the rhymes
Audio CD. Portal to English 1. Level A1.1 Portal to English is an inspiring course for teenagers, which takes learners from Beginner to Intermediate level.The course follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference and focuses on the systematic development of key