Tales Of Three Hemispheres. Lord Dunsany
And the sword, and behold it was even war. And the man went forth with his remembered the little things that he knew, and thought of the quiet days that there used to be, and at night on the hard ground dreamed of the things of peace. And dearer
A Book Of Hours. Ellen Thompson
Книга представляет собой репринтное издание 1909 года (издательство "New York, The Forest press").
In Quest of Light. Goldwin Smith
1906. Faith, which is an emotion, cannot supersede or contradict reason, though it may soar above sense. To know what remains of our traditional belief we must frankly resign that which, however cherished, the progress of science and learning has
In The Roar Of The Sea. S. Baring-Gould
Judith walked backward, facing him, and he turned with his horse and went after her. She stooped and gathered up a splinter of glass. The sun striking through the gaps in the hedge had flashed on these scraps of broken mirror and of white bone, or
The Ball And The Cross. G. K. Chesterton
""Because it was the quickest cut to you,"" cried Evan, stamping. ""Stand up and fight, you crapulous coward. You dirty lunatic, stand up, will you? Have you any weapons here?"" Книга представляет собой репринтное
To Leeward. F. Marion Crawford
1883. With frontispiece. F. Marion Crawford was one of the more famous authors in the English-speaking world at the time of his death in 1909. He wrote over forty novels, most of which were in the style of disposable romances popular at the time.
Poems and Ballads. Algernon Swinburne
1884. The poet Swinburne is one of the very few, since the days of Raleigh and Sidney, to come from the aristocracy. He was also well-known for his sexual proclivities and debauched lifestyle. This volume contains a collection of his verse and
Терроризм и коммунизм. Лев Давидович Троцкий
О Льве Давидовиче Троцком - человеке, который в день октябрьского переворота (еще до выхода Ленина из подполья) практически взял власть
Людоедка. Николай Эдуардович Гейнце
Как историк, Гейнце всегда прибегал к компиляции, как романист - наводнял свои романы безудержным вымыслом, не имеющим ничего общего с
Полые холмы. Стюарт Мэри
План Миррдина Эмриса, известного людям как маг Мерлин, увенчался успехом — король Утер разделил ложе с корнуолльской герцогиней
Поворот винта. Генри Джеймс
Повесть "Поворот винта" стала своего рода "визитной карточкой" Джеймса-новеллиста и удостоилась многочисленных экранизаций.
Королева Ортруда. Сологуб Федор
Вторая часть трилогии Сологуба "Творимая легенда". Повествование автор переносит в вымышленную страну Соединенных Островов. Главная