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The Crown Of Life. George Gissing
The Crown Of Life. George Gissing

The Crown Of Life. George Gissing

1476 руб

Yet, before his marriage, he had lived, if anything, more laxly than the average man, and to his wife he had confessed (strange memory nowadays), that he owed to her a moral redemption. His morality, in fact, no one doubted; the suspicions Mrs. Hannaford had once entertained when his coldness to her began, she now knew to be baseless. Absorbed in meditations upon bloodshed and havoc, he held high the ideal of chastity, and, in company agreeable to him, could allude to it as the safeguard of civil life. Книга представляет собой репринтное издание 1899 года (издательство "New York, F§A§ Stokes company").

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