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Учебники: доп. пособия

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51 Английский язык. Starlight. Звездный английский. Учебное пособие для начинающих (новая обложка). Баранова К.М., Дули Д., Копылова В.В.
Учебное пособие является основным элементом учебно-методического комплекта серии «Звёздный английский» для начинающих. Он включает в
524 руб
52 Live English Grammar Beginner. Teacher‘s Book. Mitchell H.Q., Parker S.
Live English Grammar is a graded series of grammar books. This highly exciting series covering four levels, from Beginner to Intermediate, adopts an innovative approach to presenting and practising grammar, which enables learners to acquire it
1314 руб
53 Time Flash B. Workbook (+ CD-ROM). Mitchell H.Q., Parker S.
TIME FLASH is a two-level course at Primary level that follows the modular approach. It is based on the NLP theory (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and helps students to learn English in an enjoyable and effective
762 руб
54 Terminology in English Language Teaching with a Glossary of Russian-English linguistic terms. Гвишиани Н.Б.
В пособии рассматриваются теоретические и практические проблемы использования лингвистической терминологии при чтении курсов теории
462 руб
55 Английский язык. Времена глаголов. Френк И.
В книге даются начальные сведения о временах английского глагола. Материал изложен в доступной ребенку форме в виде простых правил и
316 руб
56 New Challenges Need New Answers. Учебное пособие. Харламова Наталья Сергеевна, Кивилева Екатерина Борисовна
Цель данного пособия заключается в формировании межкультурной коммуникативной компетенции и углубленных навыков чтения, говорения и
435 руб
57 Smart Grammar & Vocabulary 3 (b). Student‘s Book. Mitchell H.Q.
Smart Grammar and Vocabulary - is a carefully graded grammar and vocabulary series consisting of six books. It deals with traditional grammar and vocabulary through entertaining tasks. More than just a grammar and vocabulary series, however, it
793 руб
58 Английская грамматика. English Grammar. Вогнистая Е.В.
Перед вами пособие по грамматике английского языка от известного блогера и преподавателя Елены Вогнистой. Эта книга отлично подойдет
398 руб
59 Английский язык. Весь школьный курс в таблицах (новая редакция). Лабода Татьяна
Данное пособие составлено в виде таблиц, систематизирующих и обобщающих теоретические сведения по школьному курсу английского языка.
228 руб
60 Задание королевы. Учим English с Sherlock Dog & Catson. Емельянова Ю.
Ваш ребенок начинает зевать сразу, как только слышит фразу «делать уроки»? Долой скуку и монотонные упражнения! Герои книги, знаменитый
180 руб
61 Английский язык: времена глаголов
«Английский язык: времена глаголов» – это полезные и наглядные карточки-шпаргалки, которые помогут выучить основные времена
246 руб
62 В поисках Атлантиды. Учим English с Sherlock Dog & Catson. Емельянова Ю.
Знаменитый детектив Sherlock Dog и его любопытный ученик Catson никогда не устают от приключений, и вот перед ними новое — поиск загадочной
180 руб
63 Загадочное письмо. Учим English с Sherlock Dog & Catson. Емельянова Ю.
Думаешь, что только ты мечтаешь о каникулах? А вот и нет! Мы тоже считаем, что пора отдохнуть! Кстати, знаменитый детектив Sherlock Dog и его
180 руб
64 Enter the world of grammar 3, 4. Teacher‘s Book. Mitchell H.Q.
Upper-Intermediate level, helping themto acquire grammar naturally. Enter the World of Grammar features a variety of communicative exercises, fun games and challenging
1098 руб
65 Big Jungle Fun 3. Posters. Blair Alison, Cadwallader Jane
Big Jungle Fun is a new three-level pre-primary course featuring the adventures of Tommy, Tina and Polly. With its eye-catching design and focus on movement, music and rhythm, it will ensure that English lessons are a stimulating, enjoyable
2048 руб
66 Английский язык. Все разделы школьного курса с ключами. Селянцева Н.В., Чалышева О.А.
В данном пособии собран весь грамматический материал основной образовательной программы по английскому языку. Для удобства изучения
414 руб
67 Smart Grammar & Vocabulary 6. Teacher‘s Book. Mitchell H.Q.
Smart Grammar and Vocabulary - is a carefully graded grammar and vocabulary series consisting of six books. It deals with traditional grammar and vocabulary through entertaining tasks. More than just a grammar and vocabulary series, however, it
1167 руб
68 Запоминай слова легко. Город, транспорт. Тематические карточки на английском языке (25 штук)
Издательство «ТЦ Сфера» представляет второй комплект тематических карточек из серии «Запоминай слова легко». Он адресован детям,
147 руб
69 Smart Grammar & Vocabulary1. Teacher‘s Book. Mitchell H.Q.
Smart Grammar and Vocabulary - is a carefully graded grammar and vocabulary series consisting of six books. It deals with traditional grammar and vocabulary through entertaining tasks. More than just a grammar and vocabulary series, however, it
1167 руб
70 Smart Grammar & Vocabulary 5. Teacher‘s Book. Mitchell H.Q.
Smart Grammar and Vocabulary - is a carefully graded grammar and vocabulary series consisting of six books. It deals with traditional grammar and vocabulary through entertaining tasks. More than just a grammar and vocabulary series, however, it
1167 руб
71 Yippee! New Blue Book. Student‘s Book. Mitchell H.Q.
Yippee - is an innovative three-level beginners course in British and American English. Designed for very young learners, the Yippee! course, which consists of the Red Book, the Green Book and the Blue Book, is sure to thrill and delight children.
1178 руб
72 To the Top 2. Grammar. Teacher`s Edition. Mitchell H.Q.
To the Top - training course is designed for 5-8 grades of specialized schools. To the Top has been created in accordance with the pan-European recommendations of language education (Common European Framework of Reference). Has 4 levels, from
1235 руб
73 Enter the world of grammar 5. Teacher‘s Book. Mitchell H.Q.
Upper-Intermediate level, helping themto acquire grammar naturally. Enter the World of Grammar features a variety of communicative exercises, fun games and challenging
1098 руб
74 ENGLISH. Веселые задания для пятерок в школе. Уровень 2. Лебрун Сандра
Ребенку скучно заниматься английским? Только не с этой книгой! В этом пособии ребенку предстоит взломать шифры, пройти лабиринты,
204 руб
75 New Plus Intermediate. Teacher‘s Book
New Plus is a unique series for skills development which consists of ten books and takes learners smoothly from Beginner to Proficiency (C2) level. It is based on a multi-dimensional syllabus and enables students to enhance their listening,
1098 руб
76 Traveller Level B2. Workbook Teacher‘s Edition. Mitchell H.Q.
Traveller is an exciting new seven-level course for teenage and young adult learners, that takes them from Beginner to Advanced level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference, the modular approach and is organised
1098 руб
77 Traveller B2. Student‘s Book. Mitchell H.Q.
Traveller is an exciting new seven-level course for teenage and young adult learners, that takes them from Beginner to Advanced level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference, the modular approach and is organised
1235 руб
78 Smart Junior. Level 5. Student‘s Book. Mitchell H.Q.
Smart Junior is a brand new primary course that follows modular approach and the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference. Training may start with a level 1 or 3 (A), depending on the degree of preparation of
1095 руб
79 Big Jungle Fun 1. Flashcards. Blair Alison, Cadwallader Jane
Big Jungle Fun is a new three-level pre-primary course featuring the adventures of Tommy, Tina and Polly. With its eye-catching design and focus on movement, music and rhythm, it will ensure that English lessons are a stimulating, enjoyable
3140 руб
80 Jellybeans 3. Posters and Cut-Outs. Marjorie Katy Smith
Jellybeans is a new three-level course for pre-school children. It focuses on the most appropriate skills and values for this age group and features a variety of interactive and stimulating activities. Written by authors with years of primary
2000 руб
81 Smart Junior. Level 5. Workbook (+ Audio CD). Mitchell H.Q.
Smart Junior is a brand new primary course that follows modular approach and the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference. Training may start with a level 1 or 3 (A), depending on the degree of preparation of
800 руб
82 Zoom B. Teacher’s Book. Mitchell H.Q., Parker S.
ZOOM is an exciting three-level primary English course especially designed for complete beginners. ZOOM a, b and c guide children through their first steps in English in a delightfully imaginative learning environment which is simple and fun to
1167 руб
83 Smart Junior 2. Flashcards. Mitchell H.Q.
Smart Junior is a brand new primary course that follows modular approach and the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference. Обучение может начинаться с уровня 1 или 3 (А), training may start with a
1843 руб
84 Английский язык. 101 типичная грамматическая ошибка. Шевелева С.А.
Данное учебное пособие - прекрасный помощник в преодолении типичных лексико-грамматических трудностей, встречающихся при изучении
310 руб
85 Smart Grammar & Vocabulary 3 (b). Teacher‘s Book. Mitchell H.Q.
Smart Grammar and Vocabulary - is a carefully graded grammar and vocabulary series consisting of six books. It deals with traditional grammar and vocabulary through entertaining tasks. More than just a grammar and vocabulary series, however, it
1167 руб
86 Live English Grammar Beginner. Student‘s Book. Mitchell H.Q., Parker S.
Live English Grammar is a graded series of grammar books. This highly exciting series covering four levels, from Beginner to Intermediate, adopts an innovative approach to presenting and practising grammar, which enables learners to acquire it
1228 руб
87 Jellybeans 2. Posters and Cut-Outs
Jellybeans is a new three-level course for pre-school children. It focuses on the most appropriate skills and values for this age group and features a variety of interactive and stimulating activities. Written by authors with years of primary
2000 руб
88 Необходимый школьный минимум. Английский язык. Школьный курс. Гончерёнок Н.В.
Пособие содержит систематизированный теоретический материал по грамматике английского языка. Таблицы, представленные в книге,
121 руб
89 Smart Junior. Level 3. Workbook (+ Audio CD). Mitchell H.Q.
Smart Junior is a brand new primary course that follows modular approach and the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference. Training may start with a level 1 or 3 (A), depending on the degree of preparation of
800 руб
90 New Plus FCE. Student‘s Book
New Plus is a unique series for skills development which consists of ten books and takes learners smoothly from Beginner to Proficiency (C2) level. It is based on a multi-dimensional syllabus and enables students to enhance their listening,
1269 руб
91 New Plus Pre-Intermediate. Teacher‘s Book
New Plus is a unique series for skills development which consists of ten books and takes learners smoothly from Beginner to Proficiency (C2) level. It is based on a multi-dimensional syllabus and enables students to enhance their listening,
1098 руб
92 Traveller Advanced C1. Workbook Teacher‘s Edition. Mitchell H.Q.
Traveller is an exciting new seven-level course for teenage and young adult learners, that takes them from Beginner to Advanced level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference, the modular approach and is organised
1098 руб
93 To the Top 1. Grammar. Teacher`s Edition. Mitchell H.Q.
To the Top - training course is designed for 5-8 grades of specialized schools. To the Top has been created in accordance with the pan-European recommendations of language education (Common European Framework of Reference). Has 4 levels, from
1235 руб
94 Traveller. Intermediate B1. Student‘s Book. Mitchell H.Q.
Traveller is an exciting new seven-level course for teenage and young adult learners, that takes them from Beginner to Advanced level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference, the modular approach and is organised
1235 руб
95 Английская грамматика в таблицах и схемах. Кузьмин Александр Владимирович
Предлагаемое издание объединяет в себе все основные явления грамматики английского языка, которые представлены либо с виде таблиц и
311 руб
96 Говорить по-английски? Легко! (+ CD-ROM). Черниховская Н.О.
Эта книга предназначена для тех, кто хочет свободно и уверенно общаться на английском языке. Актуальная современная лексика
393 руб
97 16 уроков Английского языка. Начальный курс (+ 2 DVD "Английский язык за 16 часов") (+ DVD). Петров Д.Ю.
Данное издание представляет собой начальный курс английского языка, разработанный Дмитрием Петровым. В печатной версии курса даны
778 руб
98 Английский язык. Фразовые глаголы и идиомы для школьников. Державина В.А.
Данная книга включает в себя английские фразовые глаголы, а также идиомы, значение которых не всегда можно понять, даже если перевести
373 руб
99 To the Top 1. Student‘s Book. Mitchell H.Q.
To the Top is a course designed for young teenagers, taking learners from Beginner to Intermediate level. The course follows the modular approach which enables students to deal with topics in depth. Its multi-dimensional syllabus combines lexis,
1121 руб
100 Yippee! New Green Book. Teacher‘s Book. Mitchell H.Q.
Designed for very young learners, the New Yippee! course, which consists of the Red Book, the Green Book and the Blue Book, is sure to thrill and delight children. It is based on the Multiple Intelligence Theory and its aim is to help children learn
1155 руб

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