Audio CD. Studio d B2. Teil 2 Deutsch als Fremdsprache für Erwachsene. Im Zentrum des multimedialen Lehrwerkverbunds steht das dreibändige Kursbuch mit integriertem Übungsteil.Die beigelegten Lerner-Audio-CDs enthalten die Hörtexte der Übungen. Studio d - Mittelstufe
Audio CD. Smart Junior Level 4 Smart Junior is a brand new primary course that follows modular approach and the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference. Training may start with a level 1 or 3 (A), depending on the degree of preparation of
CD-ROM (MP3). Датский язык На компакт-диск записаны тренировочные упражнения для изучения датского языка. Прослушивание диска поможет освоить правильное
Audio CD. Ein bisschen Panik: Hörspiel In der Fortsetzung von "Keine Panik!" ist Nina bereits Studentin der Psychologie und ihre kleine Schwester Anne geht aufs Gymnasium. Der Alltag der beiden Mädchen ist turbulent wie eh und
CD-ROM (MP3). Книга Тайн. Часть 1 В серии исторических очерков, объединённых в первой части аудиокниги «Книга тайн», известный писатель Борис Воробьёв рассказывает
Audio CD. Young Stars 2 This six-level Primary course allows learners to acquire the English language naturally. It gives them the chance to learn vocabulary in context, practice necessary skills, comprehend, explore curriculum topics but most importantly learn! Give your
Audio CD. New Plus Elementary New Plus is a unique series for skills development which consists of ten books and takes learners smoothly from Beginner to Proficiency (C2) level. It is based on a multi-dimensional syllabus and enables students to enhance their listening,
Audio CD. Traveller. Intermediate B1. American Edition Traveler is an exciting seven-level course for teenage and young adult learners, that takes them from Beginner to Advanced level. It follows the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference, the modular approach and is organised into 8
Audio CD. Metodo de espanol para extranjeros. Nivel elemental Método de español para extranjeros es un método de español estructurado en tres niveles, y elaborado a partir de los temas más importantes de la gramática española. El CD contiene la grabación de los doce textos periodísticos que se
Audio CD. Super Star 1 (количество CD дисков: 2) Presents a three-level course specially researched and written for young learners in Beginner, Elementary and Pre-Intermediate levels. This work contains levels and each level is divided into 8-topic-related-cycles. It also contains plays which
Audio CD. Cambridge BEC 4 Higher Cambridge BEC 4 Higher provides a set of four complete practice tests for the Cambridge BEC Higher exam. These past examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL) provide the most authentic exam preparation
CD-ROM (MP3). Испанские сказки и рассказы MP3-диск к книге "Испанские сказки и рассказы".
Предлагаем вниманию изучающих испанский язык сборник испанских рассказов и сказок. Тексты
CD-ROM (MP3). Рассказы современных чешских писателей МР3-диск к книге.
1. Jan Balaban. Mlecna draha
2. Bianca Bellova. Interview
3. Tereza Buckova. Svata Hana
4. Irena Douskova. Vsichni tarn jedou
5. Jiri Hajicek. Americke cigarety
6. Emil Hakl. Cajovna
7. Petr Kotatko.
CD-ROM (MP3). Польский язык. Начальный курс Учебное пособие предназначено для самостоятельного изучения основ польского языка. При условии внимательного и вдумчивого освоения
Audio CD. Grammar & Vocabulary Level 3 (b) Smart Grammar and Vocabulary is a Handbook for the study of English grammar and vocabulary, is designed for children of primary school age. Has 6 levels, from Beginner to Pre-Intermediate. Smart (grammar and vocabulary) not only offers the
Audio CD. Smart Junior Level 2 Smart Junior is a brand new primary course that follows modular approach and the requirements of the Common European Framework of Reference. Training may start with a level 1 or 3 (A), depending on the degree of preparation of
CD-ROM (MP3). Народные сказки В аудиокниге народных сказок вы найдете лучшие сказки народов мира. Оригинальные английские тексты снабжены методически продуманными
Audio CD. Comprender en Espanol CD Proyecto ADIEU - Comprender en espanol Comprender en espanol es un CD-Rom interactivo para ayudar al estudiante en aspectos relacionados con la clase magistral y la toma de apuntes. Para estudiantes universitarios no nativos interesados en trabajar
Audio CD. Humoristische verse Eugen Roth beschreibt in seinen Versen die Licht- und Schattenseiten des Lebens mit viel Witz und bittersüßer Ironie. Immer wieder werden die Pläne seiner Alltagshelden von Missgeschicken durchkreuzt; und ob man von Pechvögeln oder Glückspilzen
Audio CD. Metodo de espanol para extranjeros. Nivel intermedio Método de español para extranjeros es un curso de español estructurado en tres niveles, y elaborado a partir de los temas más importantes de la gramática española. El objetivo de este método es aportar un material útil y lo más completo
Audio CD. Cambridge English. Business Higher 5 Cambridge English: Business Higher 5 provides four complete past papers for the Cambridge English: Business Higher exam, (also known as BEC Higher). These examination papers from University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL) provide the
Audio CD. Poptropica English Islands. Level 4 The Class Audio CDs contain all of the chants, songs, stories and listening comprehension activities. Karaoke versions of the songs and chants, and audio to accompany the Test Booklet, are available via the Active Teach.
Из серии: Poptropica