Allan and the Ice-Gods. A Tale of Beginnigs. Haggard Henry Rider This novel is the final volume of the Allan Quatermain saga. Once more Quatermain takes the hallucinogenic taduki drug, as he did in previous novels, and he finds himself reliving as Wi, an civilized man living in the barbaric ice age as part of a
Queen Sheba’s Ring. Haggard Henry Rider Sir Henry Rider Haggard was an English writer of adventure novels set in exotic locations, predominantly Africa, and the creator of the Lost World literary genre. The discovery of a ring, given to the Queen of Sheba by King Solomon himself, launches
Guy Deverell. Volume 1. Fanu Joseph Sheridan Joseph Thomas Sheridan Le Fanu (1814—1873) was an Irish writer of Gothic novels, one of the most influential ghost story writers of the nineteenth century. As an excellent example of a Victorian mystery, "Guy Deverell" has everything you need: an
The Last Tycoon. Фицджеральд Фрэнсис Скотт "Последний магнат" - неоконченный роман Ф.С. Фицджеральда (1896-1940), подготовленный к печати американским писателем и литературным
North and South. Gaskell Elizabeth Cleghorn When her father leaves the Church in a crisis of conscience, Margaret Hale is uprooted from her comfortable home in Hampshire to move with her family to the north of England. Initially repulsed by the ugliness of her new surroundings in the
Mad Monkton. Collins Wilkie Mad Monkton is a bizarre ghost story. It is said that a strain of hereditary madness blights the Monkton family, heirs to the huge domain of Wincot Abbey. Rumours in the neighbourhood are that Alfred, the youngest scion, has inherited this insanity.
Английский язык в котах. Беловицкая А. Автор популярного в Интернете "Русского языка В КОТАХ" и проекта @kotogramota в Instagram представляет 2-е издание книги для изучающих английский
Хулиганский английский. Иди и учи. Фейк А. Ответьте себе на такой вопрос — сколько раз вы принимались за изучение английского языка и бросали это гиблое дело?
Книга поможет
The Holy Flower. Haggard Henry Rider Brother John, who has been living in Africa for many years, gives Allan Quatermain the largest orchid he has ever seen. Later, in England, he has a meeting with Mr. Somers, an orchid collector who is prepaired to finance an expedition to search for
The Black Robe. Volume 1. Collins Wilkie Wilkie Collins was an English novelist, playwright, and short story writer. The Black Robe is an 1881 epistolary novel. In this story of relationships, psychological contortion, and deceit, a priest comes between an impressionable man and the young
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The Night Born and Other Tales. London Jack Jack London (1876-1916) was an American novelist, journalist and social activist. Pioneering the genre of magazine fiction and prototyping science fiction, he became one of the first writers, who gained worldwide fame and a large fortune. This
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