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Fotoprint Reading Library 1300. Class Library Set

5271 руб
"The Footprint Reading Library" is the first non-fiction reading series for English Language learners to present real-world stories in print, audio, and video. It ensures that students not only become good readers, but become better at reading non-fiction and information materials. Through photographs and organisational aids - such as diagrams, graphs, tables, maps and charts - the reader learns how to read non-fiction books. Student activities are integrated into each reader, guiding learners through the text and helping them understand and apply information. There is a short Assessment Reading at the end of each book that recycles key vocabulary and concepts. Each reader can be used on its own, or with the accompanying video and audio programmes. Комплектация: Ресурсные материалы для преподавателя

Производитель: National Geographic Society

Из серии: Footprint Reading Library 1300
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