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Ambaraba 3: corso di lingua italiana per la scuola primaria (+ Audio CD). F. Casati, C. Codato, R. Cangiano
Ambaraba 3: corso di lingua italiana per la scuola primaria (+ Audio CD). F. Casati, C. Codato, R. Cangiano

Ambaraba 3: corso di lingua italiana per la scuola primaria (+ Audio CD). F. Casati, C. Codato, R. Cangiano

2606 руб
Ambarabà is a course of Italian for primary school children (6-10 years old). The course has been experimented for years by the Pedagogical Institute of Bolzano and can be used both abroad with foreign children or in Italy with mono or multi language speaking classes. The methodological and didactic approach characterize Ambarabà as having:
the richness and variety of language inputs that delineate a learning itinerary for the children who are continuously exposed to authentic language;
the great attention given to oral skills and in particular listening comprehension skills – thanks to the countless audio materials and the original songs composed and performed by professional musicians;
the accent given to the interactive aspect of learning and to cooperative learning, with the systematic offer of production or comprehension activities to be performed in pairs of groups;
the attention to the children’s physical and multisensorial involvement, through Total Physical Response techniques;
the use of clear, vivacious and immediate drawings that continuously interact with the text and stimulate imagination while reinforcing vocabulary use and comprehension. Ambarabà 3 is for third grade children and includes:
- a student books
- the exercises books
- a teacher’s guide
- 2 audio CDs, one with all the original songs and one for oral comprehension.
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